
Your Business Needs a Cyber Risk Assessment

Why Does Your Business Need a Cyber Risk Assessment?  In today’s digital age, every business is vulnerable to cyber threats, regardless of its size or industry. A cyber risk assessment is not just a precaution; it’s an essential safeguard that helps protect your business from potentially devastating cyber attacks. Attorneys First Insurance strongly recommends conducting…


When E&O Insurance Does and Doesn’t Apply

What will E&O insurance not cover? Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, is a crucial safety net for professionals across various industries. This type of business insurance protects professionals from claims of inadequate work or negligent actions that could result in financial loss for their clients. Understanding when E&O claims does and doesn’t apply is essential…


Protect Sensitive Data: Cybersecurity for Attorneys

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a fundamental concern for all businesses, particularly for attorneys who handle highly sensitive information. Legal professionals are often targets for cyberattacks due to the valuable data they manage, including personal details, business transactions, and intellectual property. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is not just a technical necessity but a professional…